troonytoons bathroom. In a women’s bathroom near you. troonytoons bathroom

 In a women’s bathroom near you[email protected]" alt="troonytoons bathroom srM " style="filter: hue-rotate(-230deg) brightness(1.05) contrast(1.05);" />

Nick Green @NickGre78865610. Pick your fights carefully. That’s quite tragic. 5. 8. 𝓥𝖔𝐱 𝓞𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖎 】. Men like you don’t get to decide who made enough effort to appropriate me and use my [email protected]. #womanface #TransWomenAreConMen #realfeminismdoesntincludemen #youhavearighttoberepulsed. Dr. @troonytoons. The following media includes potentially sensitive content. 3:42 PM · Feb 9,. Women need to band together (they won't) and tell these people that "cis" is a slur just like how us hispanics treat "latinx" [email protected]. Women need to really wake up and look at male cross-dressing clear eyed. I’m more worried about intact pedos throwing on a wig to see my kids changing at the pool. 9. It's a fetish, a sexual arousal or sexual praxis [email protected]. 8:00 PM · Feb 27, 2023. @troonytoons. 4. This man’s weird meme on a dating app. I left the door of my boat open and some kind of wild animal snuck in and tried to attack me, but I finally kicked its ass. Save the girls and taxpayers lots of trouble. Quote Tweet. @troonytoons. When they were unhappy with their body hitting the gym & a healthy diet would have been a less drastic move to achieve a change for the…@troonytoons. #WomanFace #ComingToAWomensBathroomNearYou. . 26. Women would like to pee in peace, Erin, without you there. 1. Scary. Define trans. Fetish. 1. 28. 14. #InAWomensBathroom”TroonyToons. TroonyToons. 1. 455 Followers, 20 Following, 12 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Troons Of Tiktok (@troonytoons)“@troonytoons @MattWalshBlog I’m actually calling BS on this. 80. I think it would be a great test to have women start using the men’s bathroom & see what happens. It's the bathroom, just pee and leave It's not a vacation to iceland or something. This Dude has been using the mens bathroom for 65 years ffs. “Beer. 12. Delusion is strong amongst the Facebook T cult. So if he's bloating I'd suggest eating less beans and using a smaller dildo will stop the bleeding. Not women’s problem. 6 months ago by troonytoons to /s/whatever from mobile. 7:00 PM · Feb 11,[email protected]. Like am I afraid these crazy men are going to rape me in a woman’s prison, bathroom, or as a caregiver when I’m incapacited or elderly?This Tweet is from a suspended account. No, he’s a true trans. 6. In a little girls bathroom and changing room near you! 6:00 AM · Feb 24, 2023. Justin Case. Beer. This is on a fetish site. 21. This guy would play night crawlers with Charlie. (this guy is coming to a women’s bathroom and locker room near you). Then they suspended me again for posting literal government statistics about the demographics of people in prison. 1. The bar is set at woman. This mom transed her 5 year old son and has traumatized him using the women’s bathroom. That’s the world. (this guy is coming to a women’s bathroom and locker room near you). (AAA) [email protected] Even this diverse gathering of beautiful, divine and courageous WomxnProMax+ left out the non-binary trans-womxn of colour Marcella, who had to work late into the early hours at the office. ·. #InAWomensBathroom”See new Tweets. by. 14. Protecting your safety is violating him. View. Minister of Selections. They're not all activists or predators. Not my problem. 1. “Mirrors are transphobic! #CleanYourRoom #InAWomansBathroom thank you @BarkAtMales for sniffing out all these Tim’s for me 🐕”@troonytoons. 8. 16. “Kaelie” doubles down on his right to use the women’s bathroom because it’s where “he feels safe. @troonytoons. I think it unwise to attack all trans people. @troonytoons. Richard“In a women’s bathroom near you”“Oh [email protected] He seems to be trying to pass off bald as a a high forehead. #InAWomensBathroom. @[email protected]. Or cover up so they can get into girl’s bathroom! Not saying all of them, this agenda has grown way too fast- makes us question it! Quote Tweet. Most of them were rather ugly and shapeless men/women & then became rather ugly and shapeless women/men-look-a-likes. “Is it wrong that the first thing I notice about this picture is that he never changed the pictures in his frames? #InAWomensBathroom”Coming to a women’s bathroom near you. @troonytoons. That means he can use your and your daughters’ bathroom, gym locker room, sit in a. 𝓥𝖔𝐱 𝓞𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖎 】. There are many decent trans people out there who just want a quiet life. 7K Views 128 Retweets 13 Quote Tweets 944 Likes SoundResident @Sound_Resident · 4h Replying. I am absolutely confident I could use a men’s bathroom and have no problem!”“‘I just love girly things 😻 especially things from little girls like Barbie and star and butterfly clips because I’m a perverted man in a mid-life crisis uwu 🏳️‍⚧️🥰🙂. co. ”“😐 #InAWomensBathroom”@troonytoons. If this man enters your bathroom at work, and you leave because you feel he is a physical threat, you could lose your job for sexually harassing him. This man says women assaulted him in the bathroom and “the only person who’s ever been scared is me”[email protected]. ConspiracyT202. Btw sapphic means lesbian. 1. 0:58. 455 Followers, 20 Following, 12 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Troons Of Tiktok (@troonytoons)TroonyToons of TikTok @troonytoons| 17,181followers This man self-id’s as a woman. 51. Because that whole sweaty, waddling fucking mess will fit right in amongst Women of course. 2. Posted: 3/16/2023 5:12:48 PM EDT. 3. I’ve learned from the errors of my ways and I’m a proud member of Antifa now. Show replies. “Amy bleached his hair and plumped his bum so now he is a woman #InAWomensBathroom”“TikToker’s live says “Hey come in girls and let’s talk” #TransAwareness #InAWomensBathroom #RepFuel”@troonytoons It just infuriates me that there are actual women who are saying “I don’t mind if this person is in my vulnerable spaces and neither should you” [email protected] “Sexy Multifaceted War Machine” is a pretty original gender though, come on! Terminatorself is even showing us the barrel of terminatorself’s weapon!I would love to see what he sees for him to think he looks like a woman. 1. Best troonytoons memes – popular memes on the site ifunny. Some redditors accused accounts like mine of photoshopping their baldness to make trans identified men look bad. You would have to cleanse that bathroom once they leave since they seem to be allowed to use the wrong bathroom nowadays. @troonytoons. Show replies. Be a man which you look good as, a girl you don't pass. Replying to . Florida is working on theirs. 6K views. Big difference. 3. He uses women’s bathrooms. 3:20 AM · Feb 6, [email protected]. TroonyToons @troonytoons This man challenged the bathroom law by taking a bunch of pics in bathrooms where he thinks he looks as sexy as Jenny. Florida continues to go nuclear on the trans agenda, introduces SB1674 that makes it a 2nd degree misdemeanor for a transgender person to use a bathroom that doesn't match their biological sex. Blair is a man cosplaying "femininity" for sexual reasons. Every day updated. 5. What these degenerates are really saying is Women are too powerless to stop them. Be the kind of man your Daughter looks up to, not a kooky joke. Expose Them @ExposeDarkDeeds · 21h. 35. Show replies. 25. Show replies. They can't experience any of this because the organs that cause the bloating, bleeding and so on are missing in their bodies. 1. In a women’s bathroom near you. If you want me to be okay with him using my bathroom, taking the word Ms. @Janet_ishere. TroonyToons. 5:00 PM · Feb 6, 2023. Beer. 1. 27. Ted Cruz? RORO, Notorious Woke Fascist & MAGA Cultist. Sᴇᴀ Hᴀɢ Hᴇʀᴇᴛɪᴄ. Effort to you being who is doing a caricature of femininity enough to be f*ckable. The TRA’s want to make women irrelevant in society and take it for [email protected] bitching needed a punch to the face. He seems shocked that we wouldn’t want him in our women’s bathroom. 10. [email protected]. Smugly is a synonym of hopeless. Define dysphoria. Like broooo if you that ugly you need to make up for it in another area like money/charisma if you want an ounce of pussy sooo bad 🤦🏽‍♂️“How stunning and brave! #InAWomensBathroom”“🤮No we are not normalizing the bulge. #InAWomensBathroom”“Just the sort of woman I like to chat with at the bookstore😌📚☕️ #InAWomensBathroom”“You would never know trans women from real women! #InYourBathroom”@troonytoons Over my dead body & the death of 🇺🇸 stand your ground laws- I will not hesitate to force these pro-rape culture, colonists of female only spaces & sports outttt… #wokerapeculture #wokemisogyny. @troonytoons. @troonytoons. Literally nothing wrong with this guy other than being in the wrong bathroom. Quote Tweet. Janet Hernandez. Man mansplains why “cis” isn’t offensive to [email protected] r/mtfbutch This man can use a women’s bathroom, locker room, changing room, rape crisis center, be your same sex caregiver, be in a prison cell with you, compete with you in sports…. Twitter suspended me for saying men can’t turn into women. That’s their goal. Beer. In a women’s bathroom with a little girl near you. They are erasing the meaning of the word woman from our language. 57. Man mansplains why “cis” isn’t offensive to women. Men do not have a right to. Also the father is a pedophile and now in prison for cp, see below. Show replies. and a woman’s name to appropriate women, not to mention pornify himself with women’s breasts, you should be fine with a blowjob because he’s a real enough woman for me to accept appropriating [email protected]. Change settings. “It’s hard for me to believe the truth of this, but if it’s true, then men, don’t ever stop them from using your bathroom. com. @tuttleryandavid. He’s fixated on getting into our bathrooms, and we just want to GO to the bathroom. This is what I imagine a faux humanoid alien looks like freshly out of the pod. If you care about your mothers, wives, and daughters, let them in the men’s and don’t point them to the women’s. athus. In a women’s bathroom near you 6:26 AM · Feb 9, 2023· 42. As CP reported, a special grand jury indicted Virginia's Loudoun County Public Schools' former Superintendent Scott Ziegler and the school's public information. twitter. Define gender. 1 【 𝓓𝖗. Bearded transwoman threatens university woman who felt uncomfortable w/ him in her [email protected]. Coming to a women’s bathroom near you. [email protected]. [email protected] He can’t wait to go in a women’s bathroom 😭 😭 . @troonytoons. because that's how women dress in their day-to-day lives. Most of his pictures he’s also in a women’s bathroom. He belongs in men’s bathroom. [#7] The more unconvincing the trans person, the more likely I am to [email protected] I’m just saying I’m transphobic now. Just my opinion, but if a trans woman is not obviously a man i probably won’t even notice them using a stall near me. TroonyToons. 36 【 𝓓𝖗. TroonyToons. Dec 27, 2022. Men like Blaire can fight his own battles for a third bathroom if he needs to. @troonytoons. ”. Translation: “I’m not a dude! There’s nothing stopping me from slapping you in [email protected]. Mrs. Jebra Faushay. Need to install woodchippers in the girls bathroom.